I saw Syd today, my parents have been wanting to see her and I keep telling them that she cant have any non family visitors yet, it would just get to be too much for her, but if you know my mom, you know that she saw Sydney today too lol, she always gets her way (love you mom!). She looked good, luckily she was awake and feeling good (which is the most important thing) she couldn't walk today as well as before because she was so soar from all the OODLES of progress that she's been making. We came when she had her cousins family there so we didn't stay for long but it was good to see her, even for a little bit. We talked and she told me what was going on with her and I did likewise. Man, I always try to be positive about this whole experience but sometimes its hard. I still cry sometimes. Not because I'm worried, no, I know she will be fine, but I just miss talking to her... I can't stand not seeing her everyday and getting a chance to just unload and talk, and talk, and talk, and listen, and listen, and listen... lol. But I have such good friends! everyone has been so kind and accepting of me, I feel like I have people who have my back. Even though Syd isn't with me I know I'm not alone. I hate that I'm so busy all the time, I feel like I HAVE to go see her but I have this assignment, or that rehearsal or whatever... I guess this is heavenly fathers way of pushing me to rely on him... thats a good way to think of it, I just thought of that! But you know what! Sydney is alive and recovering and I CAN NOT thank God enough for that. Sorry, I guess I just need to vent somehow, normally this would all be me talking to Sydney about this (if it where another friend). OH BTW! I have more soul candy pictures of Syd that I took today :) she's looking so so great!
That's my Sydney! Even now she pulls a funny face for a picture :)